A tree has an entire ecosystem in and around it. At the end of prayer today, I sat quietly waiting to see if God had anything to tell me. I watched the tulip poplar in my neighbor’s yard as I waited.
I noticed that some of the leaves were in sunlight and some in shade. Some of the branches were filled with leaves, others were barren, dead. The tree was home to birds and squirrels, and if not a home, then a resting place for weary travelers, or a place from which a vantage point could be gained.
There is potential danger with this tree because it leans directly toward another neighbor’s house, but if it were to be removed, there would be a hole left that couldn’t be filled for years. I continue to watch as every leaf moved, as squirrels climbed, as birds landed. And I noticed the sturdy, strong trunk, never moving, that supported it all.
I wonder how the world might be different if we all remembered that every fallen (naturally or otherwise) leaves a hole. Thank you, as always, for your beautiful observations and reminders, Denise!
Denise Marotta Lopes
Blessings to you, dear Keturah.
Denise Marotta Lopes
And, may we be reminded.